
Virginia Beach is a city built on innovation and partnerships.
Using those same building blocks, the YesOceana program was developed to meet the requirements of the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission to protect our residents and keep the Navy’s East Coast master jet base, Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana, in Virginia Beach.

This innovative program consists of zoning ordinances and economic incentives to foster the conversion of nonconforming businesses in the Accident Potential Zone 1 (APZ-1) into conforming ones and relocating ones that cannot be converted to another part of Virginia Beach. Not only does this approach accomplish necessary rollback, but it also ensures that redevelopment follows sound planning and land use principles and that any new development is of a higher quality than what currently exists.
Accomplishments to Date
Sources: Virginia Beach Economic Development, Public Works Real Estate, 2021
For more accomplishments, view this Progress Report.
Application Forms
Additional Resources
Completed forms may be emailed or mailed to the Virginia Beach Department of Economic Development:
Letitia Langaster
City of Virginia Beach
Department of Economic Development
4525 Main St., Suite 700
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462Email:, Phone: (757) 385-6412