Strategic Vision, Plan, and Real Estate Study

Virginia Beach is a global destination for premier investment, talent, innovation, and jobs.

In January 2021, TIP Strategies (TIP) was engaged by our office to develop an economic development strategic plan for the City. Over the course of eight months, the TIP Strategies consulting team worked closely with VBDED to identify promising opportunities to capitalize on the City’s strong economic base and considerable assets. This plan is designed to help focus VBDED’s efforts to be more strategic and effective in responding to new opportunities and addressing challenges head-on in a long-term, sustained effort.

The purpose of this plan is to enable VBDED to better anticipate, respond, and evolve with changes affecting the economic success of residents and businesses. The framework, strategies, and actions detailed in this plan are informed by extensive data analysis and thorough stakeholder input, including interviews with state and City officials, regional partners, and business leaders.