333 Laskin Road Request for Proposals
333 Laskin Road Request for Proposals
RFP #ED-24-02
For the Sale of City Property: 333 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Future Use
The City is seeking a mixed-use, multi-story development that conforms to the Oceanfront Resort (OR) district Form-based Code and contributes to the City’s goal of creating a diverse, world-class, year-round coastal community for residents and visitors. Proposals should incorporate mixed-income residential, workforce housing, interactivity between the public sidewalk and private property amenities, and innovative and resilient open spaces. Potential uses are residential, commercial, and office.
The Property lies within the 70-75 dB DNL Noise Zone. Permitted uses within the OR district are tied to Frontage Type and Building Type [Oceanfront Resort District Form-based Code, Chapter 2]. The Property is located on a block along the Gateway Frontage Type (Laskin Road) and the Shopping Frontage Type (Arctic Avenue). The Oceanfront Resort District Form-based Code Section 2.1.4 explains the rules for code application to a property that touches multiple frontages. The Shopping Frontage Type does not permit the Commercial Building nor Detached House Building Type but permits all other Building Types. The Gateway frontage permits all Building Types. Their associated uses are listed in Chapter 5 Section 5.2 of the Form-based Code. The maximum permitted height is seventy-five (75) feet [Oceanfront Resort District Form-based Code, Chapter 4].
The Shopping Frontage Type should create a walkable streetscape that focuses on pedestrian movement and activity, while the Gateway Frontage Type should balance moving vehicles with pedestrian safety. The unique location of this property should influence the built environment and the uses on the property. There should be harmony between pedestrians along Laskin Road and automobile connectivity and access along Arctic Avenue and 30th ½ Street.
Additionally, the property is located within the Resort Strategic Growth Area and Laskin Road Gateway as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Planning documents. The Guiding Principles for the Strategic Growth Area and Laskin Road Gateway envision a vertical mix of uses, great streets, and well-designed pedestrian connectivity that serves as a key connection point for North End businesses, surrounding neighborhoods, and the Hilltop commercial area.
Submittal of Proposals
Each respondent must submit with its proposal the items listed below:
i. Five copies of each proposal with an electronic version in a sealed envelope marked “RFP #ED-24-02, 333 Laskin Road” on the outside.
ii. All proposals shall be received and date-stamped in the location described below no later than Feb. 3, 2025, 3 p.m. local time. All Proposals received after that time will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the respondent.
iii. Location for submissions:
City of Virginia Beach Attention:
Pamela Witham
Department of Economic Development
4525 Main Street, Suite 700
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
iv. Proposals submitted by telephone, facsimile, or e-mail will not be considered.
v. All questions or clarifications related to this RFP must be submitted to Pamela Witham, Department of Economic Development via email at pwitham@vbgov.com 10 business days prior to the RFP deadline. All questions and responses will be posted on the RFP site.
vi. All relevant documents and information pertaining to this RFP can be found on this page.
vii. Questions about zoning and building code requirements should be directed to the Department of Planning at 757-385-4211 (Permits) and 757-385-8074 (Zoning).
Available Appraisals*
*Note: Due to compliance requirements related to The Americans with Disabilities Act, these documents are not available online. Please contact Pamela Witham at 757-385-6480 for assistance in obtaining a copy.